Alanah & Eric: England – Maurice: France
3 nice days for this 58h on the Eastern Bank.
The way through Marlins’ Bd is very quiet… some yellowfin tunas between departure and arrival.
Alanah and Eric were rewarded on the 1st sunset with 2 beautiful dogtooth tunas of 40 and 45kg. Maurice is less lucky with his bonito cut by a shark.
The following day, same sanction happens, trolling, with 3 yellowfin tunas about 25 kg. Only one head is caught! Shark concentration is impressive. Just as well as their efficiency !
For the rest of the trip, as concerns trolling: a few small wahoos, yellowfin tunas, many rainbow runners, but no billfish.
As for baiting and bottom fishing, there were nice jobfish, a blue trevally and numerous bottom fish.
No diplomatic incident was stated between our sympathetic English couple and our French national Momo… Though there was no Rodriguexit!