Daniel (France) Marc & Monique (Belgium)
Daniel is used to come to Rodrigues and matches up with Marc and Monique, Flemish, for their very first aboard Black Marlin. Sea has changed! Swell is short and wind stronger, which make conditions uncomfortable. But more is required to discourage this team! After the bonitos’ stock has grown up, 2 are thrown alive. Unfortunately a marlin spits out the first one.
The yellowfin tunas’ activity of the day before is still here. This time: 4 pieces between 30 and 37kg will delight our anglers. Another marlin and 3 yellowfin tunas will unhook, closing this nice day, after all.
yellowfin tuna for Daniel – Rod Fishing Club – Rodrigues Island – Mauritius – Indian Ocean
yellowfin tuna for Marc – Rod Fishing Club – Rodrigues Island – Mauritius – Indian Ocean