Jerome comes back for the 6th time with Beatrice for 3 one-day trips As the activity is low with the pelagic fish, we concentrate on billfish. In fact, it is a marlin or nothing! And it was nothing (one marlin hooked up). He had fun though with a doggy of 40kg on a jigging rod, jobfish, red snappers and other deep-sea fish on bottom fishing. On the Eastern Bank, Jerome teams up with Michel, used to come on the black Marlin for the 5th consecutive year). Even on the spot, we were far from the usual frenzy with the yellow fin tunas and wahoos. They had fun on bait. Jerome got initiated at extreme stand up as he brought his tackle (ESU rod Partiot Design + Tiagra 80). As a result, two whitetip sharks of 80kg and 115kg, a giant trevally about 20kg and a black marlin tagged and released. One may note marlins are here but not biting. 4 came to play and touch lightly the lures on Marlins’ Boulevard.
Whitetip shark on baiting at night – Rod Fishing Club – Rodrigues Island – Mauritius – Indian Ocean