Yellowfin tuna or Thunnus albacares - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean
Yellowfin tuna or Thunnus albacares
20 August 2016
Dogtooth tuna or Gymnosarda unicolor - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean
Dogtooth tuna or Gymnosarda unicolor
20 August 2016
Long tail tuna or Thunnus tonggol - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean

Long tail tuna or Thunnus tonggol - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean

Longtail tuna or Thunnus tonggol is also called blue fin tuna. Claudius caught the specie that you see just here, with an electric reel. This happened in high depths by 315m deep.

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