Spearfish or Tetrapturus angustirostris - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean
Spearfish or short-bill spearfish or Tetrapturus angustirostris
20 August 2016
Escolar or Lepidocybium flavobrunneum - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean
Escolar or Lepidocybium flavobrunneum
20 August 2016
Swordfish or Xiphias gladius - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean

Swordfish or Xiphias gladius - Rod Fishing Club - Rodrigues Island - Mauritius - Indian Ocean

Swordfish or Xiphias gladius holds a long bill like a sword, which represents a third of its whole length. It is very much sought after because it is difficult to hint, it is delicate to fight and also because its half-fat flesh is really melting.

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