Bertrand and Gilles
Weather is good for this 82h around Rodrigues.
Trolling: many yellowfin tunas (28kg the biggest), wahoos (23kg the biggest) and dorados. Bertrand released a small black marlin is released in excellent conditions.
Yellowfin tuna on trolling with a speed pro deep by Gilles
Nice wahoo on trolling by Bertrand
Black marlin on trolling by Bertrand
In jigging: some dogtooth tuna, trevallies and jobfish.
Doggy on baiting by Gilles
Jobfish on jigging by Bertrand
Good GT on baiting by Gilles
Live bait: a white tip shark about 60 kg was released by Bertrand.
Whitetip shark on baiting
Bottom fishing: many blue and yellow-striped emperors, and different groupers.
Golden hind on jigging by Bertrand
Moontail sea bass on jigging by Gilles
Spangled emperor on baiting by Bertrand
Red snapper on baiting by Gilles
All in all, 26 species within 4 days for these 2 very nice fishermen in an excellent atmosphere!
Happy meals aboard Black Marlin boat
The whole team