Trolling or conventional deep sea trolling enables to explore for big pelagic fish over large areas. In collective minds, it is the spectacular Big Game Fishing show-window, the one that stirs the craziest fantasies.
This technique suits very well for chasing pelagic fish such as blue marlin, off the blue waters.
Trolling is first of all a hunt, a search in which any possible detail or hint must be analysed and interpreted.
It requires riding over miles and miles, looking for in the birds’ flight, the current’s strength, the water’s surface trembles, clues that will guide us towards the big pelagic fish.
- The continental shelf.
- Blue waters around Rodrigues.
- Banks offshore. Some crossings over ridges that we usually go through to reach banks and we actually named as “Marlins’ Boulevard”.
Black marlins, blue marlins, sailfish, yellowfin tunas, wahoos, and dorados… are the most usual ones.
You can regularly find these species over our fishing area and all year long.
However, if we usually catch marlin, from one season to another, peaks depend on current, forage fish migrations, water temperatures and worldwide climatic changes.

As we have just seen it, trolling starts with the quest for activity. The whole crew will be delighted to make you join this hunt. This is what makes this practise so captivating and reveals our deep hunters’ instinct.
We may also explain you why we should weave on the barrier reef, because black marlins are on the reef and appreciate mid-depth waters, whereas blue marlins like deeper waters.
Excluding the classical lure trolling, we also practice trolling according to the “dead bonitos” state, which really appear like candies to black marlins and we practice switch and bait, as well as deep sea trolling with a downrigger.
All tackle available on board is IGFA homologate: 30lbs to 80 lbs Shimano Tiagra Reels (lines are changed every month), classic rods to fish on the fighting chair or stand up rods, Normic fighting chair, Black Magic harnesses and belts. Lures from the small bonito feather to the big blue Williamson Cavitator are also available.
Obviously, if you wish to use your own tackle, this is not a problem. In order to prevent from excess luggage or non-adapted tackle, please read carefully… and follow our recommendations:
- Iland “SEA STAR” lures, with a 200 lbs leader 4.00 m long rigged with a 8/0 like VMC 8705 TI hook.
- Iland “BLACK HOLE” lure with a 300 lbs leader 4.00 m long and a 650 lbs wire rigged with two 9/0 like VMC 8705 TI hooks.
- Iland “EXPRESS” lure with 400 lbs leader 5.00 m long and 800 lbs wire rigged with two 10/0 like VMC 8705 TI hooks.
- Lures’ colour: rather dark.
- 200 lbs ball bearing and snap swivels.
Do not hesitate to bring your fetish lures.
If you do not have master lures rigged with simple or double hooks, the crew will be pleased to help you.

This does not happen just to others. And Stephan Kreupl cannot deny it. On January 30th 2007, aboard BLACK MARLIN, he achieved a world record with a blue marlin of 561,5kg, standing up within 45mn.
A few numbers about his blue “big mama”: 469cm from bill to tail, 217cm waist circumference and 151cm is its tail’s dimension.
Indeed, we strongly advise you to follow the IGFA rules (International Game Fish Association) if you choose to fish with your own tackle, required condition to homologate a record. We shall do our best for your tackle to be compliant. One never knows…
If you use your fetish lures in deep blue waters (more than 500m depth), a priori, there is no risk to lose your lure. However, while trolling on the reefs or the banks, I would advise you to replace your favourite lure by an Iland.
We are lucky to have a high concentration of wahoos on the banks, and generally nice sized. There are no others quicker than them to transform the skirts into mini ones or strings, or even cut the line ahead.
However, the numerous lines making up an Iland withstand quite well to their terrible bites.